Best Local SEO Tips to Generate Franchise Leads

With local search engine optimization, you can generate more leads for your multi-location business or franchise. There are quality leads.

However, lead generation for your franchise doesn’t happen just like that. It is crucial that you incorporate proper SEO practices into your marketing strategy.

When people are searching for the product or services you offer, they have a buying intent. Some people might require the product urgently. So, if you rank higher in location-specific search engine results, it improves your chances of securing these prospects as leads. This creates more opportunities for franchises. Franchisors attract additional franchisees as a part of the expansion. Moreover, franchisees will help in converting more clients or customers to make the venture more successful in their respective locations.

If you are finding it overwhelming to formulate a strategy to generate franchise leads, we can help you out. We are going to list a few tips that will franchises attract more leads.

  1. Decide on a Qualified Lead Generation Approach

To sell, you need to know what to sell. The most vital aspect of a franchise marketing strategy is the buyer persona. When you decide on the channel to generate leads, you have to consider things from your customer’s viewpoint.

Here are a few questions you need to consider-

  • What do your customers expect from you?
  • Which channels are your competitors using?
  • Has the strategy you used previously worked for you?

By answering these questions, it is easier to select the right channels for your franchise lead generation. If you know the type of franchise that will be successful for your business, you can formulate a strategy on how and where you will be able to reach out to your quality leads. However, you also have to ensure you are spending money at the right place.

  1. Build Out Pages for Every Location

For franchise SEO, you have to create pages for every location on your website. This is to ensure you are reaching out to the right customers. The strategy ascertains you rank for the relevant search terms. With more visibility, you can drive more traffic to your website. When a potential customer lands on your site, you will be able to direct them to the closest store location.

But your strategy will only be successful when you follow the steps given below-

  • Identify the keywords you have to use for every location. Also, get an idea about the amount of traffic you will be able to capture through these keywords when you rank.
  • Direct your SEO strategy or campaign for every location.
  • Decide how to create location URLs. You have to choose a system and then stick to it. URLs make it easier for users to navigate through the site. Also, it makes page indexing efficient for all search engines.
  1. Create a Brand Voice

When you know your target audience, and what they need, you have to make sure you have a consistent voice across your marketing channels. It can improve your success rate in terms of lead generation. Moreover, it can boost your brand authority.

Remember, your prospects would only like to do business when they can relate to it. However, if you do not have a distinctive voice for your brand, they will not get to know you. But since you know your target audience, you can make informed decisions.

For instance, if your potential customers are millennials, it is better you use conversational language. By using a friendly tone, your brand can appear more approachable. But if you are targeting professionals who are handling businesses, a professional tone might be the right choice.

  1. Create Your Google My Business Listing and Optimize It

As you search for any local business over Google, you notice a map along with three options given at the top of the page- Google Local 3-Pack, Google Maps, and two Google properties offering service-area and brick-and-mortar businesses.

Since 93% of the local searches feature in this 3-pack results, featuring in this spot can improve your brand awareness. So, when you are marketing for a franchise, you might want to be posited in one of its spots. To do that you have to create your Google My Business listing.

Set up a profile and optimize. However, to optimize you might need the help of a local SEO expert. An expert can maintain separate listings for every location.

  1. Use Local Keywords

Ask an SEO expert, and he will tell you one of the best ways to generate franchise leads is to strategically place the location-based keywords.

Here are some ideas on how you can position keywords in your site-

  • Add them to the title, headers, and meta description
  • Use the keywords naturally throughout your content
  • Use the exact keywords, as well as their variants
  • Maximize the use of long-tail keywords
  1. Request Your Customers to Leave Reviews

You should tap into the power of positive customer reviews. A study has shown that 79% of the customers trust online reviews as much as word-of-mouth recommendations. In fact, according to Brightlocal, 94% of the customers admit that they are likely to choose a business that has more positive customer reviews.
So, you have to proactively gather customer reviews. You can ask your customers to leave reviews. In case they give a negative review, respond to them.

Bottom Line

Local SEO strategies work the best for franchises when it comes to generating content. But Google SEO best practices and guidelines keep changing. Thus, it might be difficult for some franchises to keep up with it. In that case, you will have to hire an SEO firm that helps you stay on the top.