Tips to Improve Your Domain Authority

Google considers different factors to determine a site’s search engine ranking. But one factor that has gained importance over the years is a website’s domain authority.Domain authority is primarily a metric that has been created by Moz. According to this, the higher is the domain authority, the better chances of ranking higher in the search engines. This, in turn, will improve your chances of grabbing more traffic. Domain authority is also used to measure your SEO efforts and compare your website’s strength to your competitor’s.

If you are looking to improve your domain authority, you can follow these tips given below.

  1. Optimize On-Page Content

SEO is important for domain authority, as well as Google search engine ranking. Thus, you should optimize all on-page content, including the content, image alt tags, and title tags.

Use keywords along with variations of the primary keywords. Make sure the permalinks are relevant and short. Another crucial SEO practice is to enhance your keyword and content relevance. You can do this by creating in-depth and long-form content.

To create an effective content structure, you have to create two primary ingredients- related keywords and frequently asked questions.

  1. Work on Your Off-Page SEO

The most crucial factor is to link your profile. If a website has a clean and strong profile, it will have a higher domain authority score than other websites having poor link profiles.

A website has a strong link profile if-

  • It has incoming links from various relevant websites
  • It has backlinks from high-authority websites
  • It does not have low-quality or bad links
  • It contains links from multiple unique domains

The process to improve your link profile is called off-page SEO. It is associated with techniques you can use for securing good links that will enhance the rankings.

Make sure that you remove all bad links from your profile. You can take the help of a tool to do that. Get good links from relevant websites. This is a difficult aspect of SEO.

  1. Consider Guest Posting

A website tends to link you when there is a value exchange. In the present digital age, content is king. With guest posting, you can provide an authoritative site with an article that is keyword optimized, which includes a link to the site placed contextually in your content. Website owners have little to do in exchange for the post. So, they are incentivized to agree.

In comparison to posting a high-quality blog post on your website and possibly being used as a source, a direct connecting or outreach campaign with multiple website owners is an excellent way to secure links to your site.

  1. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Everybody is using a mobile device these days. So, it’s no longer optional to have a mobile-friendly website. About 60% of the searches over the internet are performed through mobile devices. As a matter of fact, mobile compatibility has become one of the primary ranking factors. If you don’t have a mobile-friendly website, it can have a negative impact on your domain authority score.

  1. Work On Your Page Speed

Another known signal of the Google ranking algorithm is the page loading speed. If a website loads faster, it has an added advantage over slower websites.

When you improve page loading speed, it improves your domain authority, and ultimately page ranking. Also, it makes the user experience better. So, you can increase your sales and see more sign-ups every day.

But handling page load issues isn’t easy. There are many technical aspects that have to be taken care of. In case you don’t have much technical knowledge, it can be a little difficult. But you can always hire a developer to help you out with it.

Here are a few things that you need to take care of to improve loading speed-

  • Upgrade WordPress to its latest version
  • Get rid of unwanted plugins
  • Use a streaming service
  • Optimize the image and file size
  • Use a caching plugin
  • Use CDN if there are big CSS files and several images

Bottom Line

Although we have listed these tips, you shouldn’t be too obsessed with the domain authority score. This is because it is only a number showing how strong the domain is in comparison to other domains. Low domain authority doesn’t always mean your website didn’t perform well on Google.